Expression is Everything

I love singers. Truly, deeply. We are a breed like none other. Singers invest in the minutiae of delivering a song — dynamics, phrasing, tone, color, and emotion. We create and labor and refine endlessly with one goal in mind: connecting with total strangers. Why? Because we are compelled to elevate everyday life into something memorable and moving. 

I love voices. The author, the entrepreneur, the visionary: Those who have something to say.

I coach my clients like athletes, because I believe that singers and speakers are in fact athletes. We work tirelessly to achieve small incremental nuances that ultimately transform our whole performance. Because our instrument lives inside our bodies, we must learn to feel what is right along with hearing it, staying mindful of the edge of what is physically safe while masterfully breaking the rules to get the unique sound that is most authentic to the song or the inspirational talk, and always to ourselves as artists.

Voices are like fingerprints. They are utterly unique. Unlike most vocal coaches, I use two powerful tools — my extensive expertise in vocal technique and my deep level of intuition — rooting my practice in the parallel universes of science and metaphysics. In this way, I hear and feel simultaneously, and I help you to go deep to harness and truly own your voice.

Together we’ll unlock stagnant habits and create fresh neuromuscular pathways. I use vowel tuning, teaching you balanced air-blow over your vocal cords and relating what you hear in your resonance to the physical sensations you feel in your body while singing and speaking, integrating the “parts” of your unique voice. As these elements begin to work together seamlessly, your vocal production starts flowing with ease, strength and with fresh dynamism.

I believe that expression is one of the most profound impulses we humans have. It’s a fundamental calling to connect and share. Facilitating expression is my purpose on this earth. I am here as a guide to propel you into freeing your voice through both physical and energetic transformation. Tapping into your own power and learning to trust your voice yields a wholeness that is unparalleled. You realize that you are your own source. And once you do, you are unstoppable, in singing, in speaking and in living.

I feel deeply lucky to be able to integrate extensive technical training with the hard-won understanding of the soulfire it takes to perform in front of a crowd. As a performing singer and a musician I understand the absolute vulnerability it takes for a seasoned performer to ask a coach for help. It takes an equal measure of bravery for someone who has never sung to open their mouth and emit sound for the first time. It’s daunting for the author, so comfortable expressing themself via the written word to speak live, or for the entrepreneur to voice their vision on a podcast interview. I honor these circumstances and those in between. I welcome you and where you are at right now.

Thank you for visiting. I hope we have a chance to work together.
